Monday 30 April 2012


Social responsible investment becomes a new trend in modern economy.

Responsible investing mentions about the companies, who consider factors of environment, society, governments and ethics while producing their products or services. The social responsible investment now is moving to the centre of institutional and private investors’ activities.

Number of organizations applied SRI increased remarkable especially in Europe. The responsible investment assets in EU increased average 42% between 2005 and 2007, meanwhile the growth in US was at the rate of 9%. Significantly, Canada seems to be the nation applied the SIR most widely with nearly 20% of assets under management in Canada.
So, social responsible investment: does it really bring profit to business???
First of all, it is necessary to mention about the demand of investors as they show more concern with environmental, social and governance issues, and they encourage a combination between business’s return and social responsibility. Investors seem to use their money to earn more profit while still contribute for a more sustainable world. And, SRI enables investors to choose investment, which are consistent with both their financial goals and personal values.
So, in my point of view, applying the SRI brings not only the profit, but also other benefits to any organization. They are the high return, achievement of investors’ expectations as well as the reputation in the market. The higher level of satisfaction the organization brings to investors, the more fund that they will invest in the firm. On the other hand, building the organization with a responsible image, which associates its activities with society, also increases the firm’s value in customers’ eye. People will choose the business due to their trust reputation.
My idea seems to be supported by other Professors as they affirm a positive correlation between the social responsibility and financial performance. Authors owell, Hart and Young (2000) and Konar and Cohen (2001) suggest that firms that adapt strong global environmental standards have higher market values.
There is an example of News of the World (NoW), who damages its image with a social phone- hacking scandal. It is reported that more than 4,000 people were hacked by the NoW.
Action of the organization is totally illegal, against the law. Reputation of the firm consequently was suffered significantly as it must issue an apology for this “serious wrongdoing” in public channel. It also leads to the decline in sale of the organization, as it is not a trustworthy organization in customers’ eye anymore.
Through the situation of NoW, people can see the power of SRI in performance of any organizations. Following this new trend brings benefits to your business.